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Martin Luther King Day Basketball Camp  Information
(HK Middle School has cancelled our camp for Jan 20 due to an anticipated 6" of snow) We have arranged for use of the HK Middle School for Martin Luther King Day, Jan 20th, and the Feb vacation days of Feb 17 and 18. We had a terrific turnout for our Christmas camps (72 on Friday and 73 on Monday).

Our objective is to help every camper improve their skills and their enjoyment of basketball. We also see it as a service to parents who are working and want a structured, well supervised, fun camp that will promote good sportsmanship and positive social interaction. The camp is for players in grades 3 - 9 and is from 9 AM to 3 PM. Players are encouraged to register early to ensure a spot. Our limit is 90 campers and we will draw from over 15 towns.Our plan to have 3 leagues to provide age appropriate competition. All of our programs are co-ed.

Each day starts with an hour of skill development. Then, campers will have fun participating in competitive basketball games for the remainder of the day. During the games, the coaches give instruction to help each player improve their knowledge and understanding of the game. This is an excellent opportunity for all players to Improve their skills for the basketball season.

The cost is $60/day for the 6 hour camp. However, to encourage teams to attend. If there are 3 or more teammates attending, we offer a discounted price of $50/player each day.. Please have one of the parents text Coach Bill Barker with the names of the teammates attending (203-494-6905). If possible, we will have teammates on the same team. However, trades may be necessary to balance the competition. In addition, we are combining the 3 days to offer a discount to families who have a total of 3 or more days of camp. Examples: 1 camper attending all 3 days; 2 campers attending 2 or more days. The cost for one or two days is $60 a day. The family discount is for 3 or more days
Starts: 2/17/2025 - 2/18/2025
Days of the Week: Monday, Tuesday
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Size: 80
Location: HK Middle School
Killingworth, CT
Cost: $180.00 or $60.00 per day. ($60.00 per day. However, there is a Family Discount and a Team Discount. The Family discount is for three or more days of camp ($50/day}. TheTeam discount is for 3 or more teammates attending any day of camp ($50/day).)
Sign-up Form
Child's Name:
First  Middle Initial  Last
Height:   feet,    inches
Weight:  pounds 
Please select the day(s) your child will be attending:

Parent's Name:
First  Middle Initial  Last



 (Street Address)
 (Apt, Suite)

City:  State:  Zip Code:
Home Phone: ( )  -
Emergency Phone: ( )  -   Ext. 
E-mail: e-mail is required for confirmation of the deposit and for further camp information
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Insurance Carrier:
Policy Number:
Type the following verification code into the box below:
I give Madison Hoop Dreams Basketball Camp permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of my child. I release all claims against Madison Hoop Dreams with respect to copyright ownership and publication including any claim for compensation related to the use of the materials. ***

*** Images of minors under the age of 18 are not identified under any circumstances. No names or information relating to the minor's identity are published. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Bill Barker at

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